Located at Canyon Park Middle School, 23723 23rd Ave SE | Bothell, WA 98021. We are located in the portables alongside the gym.

Threads & Treads is a clothing bank providing Northshore School District students and their families as well as surrounding communities with free, quality donated clothing, shoes and accessories for school-age youth, teens, young adults, parents and others living in the home. Clothing items include appropriate clothing and fashions for school, special events, career, sports/recreation, and shoes & accessories in sizes 5T in child-XXXL in adult. Families are welcome to select clothing, and accessories, and special event items as available. Canyon Park Middle School PTSA oversees this resource in partnership with Northshore organizations, community volunteers, and the Northshore School District.
This resource is open every Wednesday 3-6pm. We will be closed when the district is closed on holidays and breaks. We will also be open the first Saturday of each month starting in October from 9-12pm.
2024 Saturday dates are: 10/5, 11/2, 12/7, 1/11, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3, 6/7
Ways to Help
Threads & Treads depends entirely on donations – whether it be through donating clothing, money or time. We have a donation bin for 24/7 donations during the school year located outside the CPMS offices. We also take clothing donations during shopping hours on Wednesdays as well as the first Saturday mornings of each month. We have also set-up a few other ways to contribute:
Monetary Donations
We offer a variety of ways for you to donate funds to Threads & Treads:
Our PTSA has a PayPal account and this is a convenient way to donate, however it does charge us a fee.
We set-up a GoFundMe as another option to donate. This option doesn’t charge a fee like PayPal does.
You can also send a check. Please make checks out to CPMS PTSA and in the FOR line write Threads and Treads. You can mail it to CPMS PTSA Attn: Threads and Treads at P.O. Box 1434 – Bothell, WA 98041.
Amazon Wish List
Socks & Underwear – We keep our Wish List current with what we are needing. All purchases come to our coordinator’s home. Shop here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1T55CCCJBOS5Y…
Lastly, THANK YOU to everyone who supports this program! We would be nowhere without our wonderful volunteers, donations of clothing and money and help promoting the program! This is a community resource run by a great community of people!
Volunteer Information
Threads & Treads Needs Volunteers! Visit this link to sign-up today: https://cpptsa.org/ways-to-help/volunteer-sign-ups/
- Volunteer during shopping hours! Wednesdays 2:30-6pm, First Saturdays 8:30-12pm. Volunteers assist with selecting clothing items for families, enjoy conversations about school, community resources and activities, while sorting and displaying the clothing donations. Volunteers can commit to a weekly or monthly schedule! If you can only do some of that time block, just let us know when you think you can come. Sort donations, stock items, and display fashions! Anytime during these hours is great. Again, let us know when you think you might want to come in if not for the entire time.
- Volunteer to sort and help get the store ready for shopping Tuesdays 9-11am. Sort donations, stock the store, fill the walls with displays and eye catching items, tidy up and organize as needed around the two portables.
Questions? For more information, contact Kelly Hennessey at tandt@cpptsa.org or 206-999-7642
Thank you for your help in supporting this vital community resource!