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Pillar Parties

“Pillar Parties” celebrate students. Students who have exemplified one of the four pillars of Canyon Park (Community, Respect, Excellence and Responsibility) are nominated by their teachers to attend a fun morning event.  Parents of students nominated are asked to help. …
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December Staff Appreciation

December Staff Appreciation This holiday season we would like to TREAT our wonderful teachers and staff to some holiday goodies.  You-and-student baked?  Great!  Favorite or fun store- or bakery-bought?  Great!  Share a favorite cookie or candy type with our awesome…
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Spring Break 2025: Student trip to Peru!

Spring Break 2025: Student trip to Peru! Last year, during Spring Break 2024, 28 students traveled to Ecuador. The trip was a huge success and very well organized by student tour company, ACIS. Teachers, Jeff Armentrout and Liz Sliva, are…
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Health Screening Day, October 23rd

Reminder: Health Screening Day, October 23rd Just a reminder that Nurse Jen will be running Health Screening Day on October 23rd, 7:30a – 1pm. Thank you to all the volunteers that will be assisting Nurse Jen!

Soup and salad staff Lunch Oct 22nd

Soup and salad staff Lunch Oct 22nd Share your appreciation for our wonderful teachers and staff who do so much for our students with a Soup-and-Salad lunch. Please have items to the main office by 9:15am on 10/22/24. Sign up…
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Student store volunteers needed

Volunteers needed for the student store Every Friday, 10:15 – 12:45p, during the school year. Sign up here! CPMS staff are asking for volunteers to help with the student store in the cafeteria during all three lunch periods. For more…
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Curriculum Knight fundraiser, September 18th

Curriculum Knight Fundraiser Wednesday, September 18th, 5:30 – 8:00p Please donate, become a PTSA member, and volunteer. All funds go grants, student events, and more. Learn more about this event.

School Picture Day, September 10th

School Picture Day, September 10th Ready, Set, Smile! Picture day is Tuesday, September 10th. The school is looking for volunteers to help guide students through the process. Can you help? If so, sign up for half day or full day.

Upcoming Dates

Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Dates – (Dates/Info from CPMS) Here is the link for 24-25 School Supplies Link for school activities, including school sports registration due to begin August 5th:

Open Board/Committee Positions for 2024-25

Open Board/Committee Positions for 2024-25 Can you help support your Canyon Park PTSA next year? Some positions are a 1-day commitment and some are a full school year commitment. All positions can be shared! Please email our PTSA President for…
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